
Time to Start Running


Turns out that when you get yourself into a loving relationship, you start to pack on the “comfort pounds.” That’s the weight that you get because you’re both content with everything and you don’t mind grabbing an extra slice of pizza or going out for an ice cream after dinner. It’s the scary weight because you never see it coming until it’s too late. And believe me, it’s too late.

I realized this when I tried to put on a pair of pants the other day. I almost cried (ok, I might have cried a little). They were so tight I couldn’t even put them on, and last summer, they were my go-to jeans. What happened in less than a year? Or if I’m really honest, what happened in the last three months?

While everyone else was getting healthy with their New Year’s Resolutions, I was hunkering down in the house, totally content on watching TV with Andy and forgetting that you can’t wear yoga pants to work if your pants don’t fit.

So last night I made a decision to get back to running. Yes, I was doing Crossfit for awhile, but let’s be honest, I could not bring myself to go by myself. I had not made a strong enough connection with the community to feel comfortable going alone. And since that meant I had to wait for Andy or one of my other friends to go to a class to me, I was skipping classes more than I was going.

I hear you all yelling at me, “Well, why don’t you go by yourself.” And I’ll tell you why. I have anxiety when it comes to group activties with people I don’t know. I know that’s hard to believe since I’m such a social butterfly, but I honestly have a hard time going into those situations alone. It’s probably why I prefer to go to a regular gym by myself, pop in headphones, and run. I just get scared.

And I know if I stuck it out, I would have eventually fit in, felt like part of the group, and finally get some personal training with the weights.

Anyway, enough complaining. I’m back to running. It’s the one thing I know I’m good at, will continue to do any season, and I don’t need a partner to get me to go.

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