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Food, Sweet

Chocolate Glazed Baked Donuts

chocolate glazed baked donuts


A while back I bought a donut pan, hell-bent on baking up a storm. The only problem is, I’m on a diet – technically. Which means, I can’t really eat all these baked goods that I want to make. So that means I’m either waiting for company to come over, or I’m shoving the sweet treats at my co-workers. But, as luck would have it, my cousin is coming to visit me this weekend. And since I didn’t have anything better to do while I was cleaning the house, I decided, why not bake up a batch of donuts. Perfect for breakfast, right?

So I went through my cabinets and oddly enough, I have all the ingredients to make donuts from scratch. Who knew? I even had a can of chocolate frosting, making it way easier than making some.

So bring it on! I’ve got donuts awaiting my cousin’s arrival!

Chocolate Glazed Baked Donuts

2 cups flour
3/4 cup sugar
1 & 1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp Salt
3/4 cup milk
2 beaten Eggs
2 tbsp melted Butter
1 can of chocolate frosting

Preheat oven to 425. In a large bowl, combine dry ingredients. Add milk, eggs, and butter. Stir until well mixed. Pour batter into a sprayed donut pan, filling rings about 2/3 full (about 3 tablespoons). Make sure center is not covered.

Bake about 8-10 minutes, or until tops spring back when pressed. Remove from oven and let sit in pan for 5 minutes.

Remove from pan and place on cooling rack.

Heat a half a cup of frosting in a microwave safe bowl for 30 seconds. Frosting should be malleable, but not watery. Dip donuts in frosting, turning in a clockwise fashion to cover the top. Place donuts on cooling rack to rest.

Serve and enjoy!



Strawberry Rice Krispies Treats


Who ever said pink is only for Valentine’s Day? It’s recently been brought to my attention that the color pink is taking over my life. For a not so girly-girl, I laughed it off. Then I looked at my wardrobe, cell phone case, the nail polish I had on (my toes are almost always painted pink), my gym bag, and the fleece I wear when it’s warm out. All pink! Oh geez, guess I better stop saying I don’t like girly things. When I start seeing glitter on all my things, then I’ll really start to worry. Until then, I make Rice Krispies Treats.

3 tablespoons butter
1 package of marshmallows (10 ounce bag)
1/4 cup of dried strawberries, crushed (leave some big bits though)
Red food coloring
6 cups of Rice Krispies
1/4 cup of white chocolate chips

In a large sauce pan, melt butter over low heat. Add marshmallows until completely melted. Remove from heat and fold in 1/4 cup of dried strawberries and two to four drops of red food coloring to make it pink.

Add in Rice Krispies, stir until completely mixed in evenly. Press mixture into a buttered pan.

In a small bowl, melt white chocolate in microwave. Heat in 20 second intervals until you can stir it smooth. Add a few drops of red food coloring to make it pink. spread it over the Rice Krispies Treats. When cool, cut and serve. Keep in airtight container and best eaten the same day.

Food, Sweet

Halloween Party Planning – Pumpkin Treats


Aren’t these adorable? So easy to make, especially if you already know how to make a Rice Krispy Treat.

What you’ll need:
3 Tablespoons Margarine or Butter
1 package of 10 oz regular marshmallows
6 cups of Rice Krispies cereal
orange food coloring (or both yellow and red)
Mini Tootsie Rolls
Green Airhead

Melt butter and marshmallows over low to medium heat in a sauce pan. When melted, add some orange food coloring until you get everything melted down. Add the cereal, one cup at a time and stir in.

Melt down the butter.

Grab a scoop of the mixture and make into a ball, Place into a cooking sprayed muffin pan, the ball should fill just over the top. Press into the pan so the top is flattened a bit.

Cut tootsie rolls in half, place one in the top of each ball. Cut Airheads into small squares. Pinch opposite ends of the square to make it extend. You will notice that it will look like a leaf. Put two on each “pumpkin.”

All mixed up.

And there you go. So easy. Maybe I shouldn’t have shared my secret…. hmmmm
