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Life In General

Murder Mystery Dinner – Rochester

murder mystery dinner

I’m quite the detective. They should put me on the force. Perhaps it’s because I’ve been watching episodes of Psych on Netflix, or maybe it’s all my reporter training, but I solved a murder.

Turns out, though, that three others also figured it out. Okay, let me back up.

I was invited to a Murder Mystery Dinner at the Governors Inn Hotel in Rochester, my first ever dinner of this sort, so I really had no idea what I was getting myself into. All I knew was there was dinner, drinking, a show, and someone was going to be dead by the end of the night.

The theme: Roch-Vegas turned casino. Which I have to tell you, was very entertaining, particularly with all the local references in the script, the actors coming to our tables and letting us play black jack, dice, and cards with our faux dollars, and finding clues. We even took a “house tour” where we learned a little bit more about the characters so we could try to decipher the murder plot. That also included a “magic show,” Jello-shots, dancing contests (see a video here), and Dolly Parton/Liza Minnelli contest. Oh yeah, and you had to be a good sport about vulgarity. It was a very classy Rochest-ah party.

murder mystery dinner


At the end, we filled out ballots to guess who killed the casino owner, Dickson DaCooter. And I filled out one of the last ballots before they were collected, with the winning answer! (I might have had some help at our table…) But there could only be one winner, and two others had correct ballots, and mine wasn’t picked. Oh well, just means I’ll have to come back next year…

SPOILER: Don’t read the image, if you don’t want to know who dunnit. Although I’m not sure if it changes night to night or not.

murder mystery dinner

