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Food, Sweet

Halloween Party Planning – Graveyard Dirt


You’d never know that Milano cookies make the perfect gravestones, but they do!

Oh goodness, I love this one! My co-worker actually did this, but it came out great and had to share it! And it’s quick (as long as you remember to use instant pudding.) 🙂

What you’ll need:

Two boxes of instant chocolate pudding
Milk for the pudding
Milano cookies
Black icing (the kind you can buy in the cake aisle at the grocery store that is already made for you)
Oreo cookies
Duff Chocolate Rocks
Gummy Worms

Get a very large serving bowl, glass of course, so you can see the dirt. Pour your two already made batches of instant chocolate pudding in the bottom, dropping gummy worms in the mix as you go.

On the side, bash some Oreos in a bag to get them all crumbly. See exhibit A:


Get your anger out in a healthy way. Bash this.

Pour the crumbled Oreos on top of the pudding.

Next, write “RIP” on the top half of the milano cookies. You can then stick them into the “dirt” you’ve created. Top with some of the Duff chocolate rocks and you’ve got yourself a tasty graveyard! Party ready and a hit with the kids.


Halloween Party Planning – Bat Attack


Spooky!! Right?

No house is complete without door decor! Had to share this great idea one oft friends had for her door. She cut bats out of black felt and taped them up.


That means they’re good for years to come! And the more the merrier, placing them all over the wall. So fabulous!

Food, Sweet

Witches’ Fingers


It’s that time of year!!! Halloween. Who can say no to that? We started prepping for our party, so I’ll be posting a handful of goodies that came out of our night of baking and crafting. So excited to share with everyone.

I’ll start with the witches’ fingers. You’ll need:
Pretzel Rods
A bag of mini white chocolate chips
Green food coloring
Sliced almonds
A crockpot (or double boiler)

We set up the crockpot, on high, and put in the white chocolate chips. When they melted, we stirred in green food dye until we got the color we liked.

Then we covered half the pretzels with chocolate. (We used a scoop, cover, drip method.)


Then placed them on the cookie sheet and added one sliced almond to the covered end to look like a finger nails. Don’t worry if the chocolate isn’t smooth. It looks better that way!

Chill and serve!
