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Run, Run, Roni

Last year, I kicked 2014’s butt with a goal to run 365 miles before the end of the year. And I killed it. Throw in four different 5Ks races over the course of the summer and fall, and it certainly made it more entertaining. So this year, I didn’t make a goal to run a certain number of miles, but I did make a promise with one of my girlfriends to get in as much hiking time as we can and a few 5Ks races to stay fit. At the top of my list are these three runs.

5K Races

The Children’s Museum 5K – Dover, NH

Not only is it close to home, it’s also for a place that is dear to my friend Ren’s heart. She’s a sucker for their fun children’s exhibits (honestly, I can’t blame her), and the run isn’t too bad. We rocked it last year (all without getting trampled on), so it’s a definite. Let’s see if we can get a race number under 100 again.

5K Races

The Color Run – Loudon, NH

Another run we enjoyed last year. Well, except for having to run uphill on pavement. The NH Speedway isn’t exactly the best place for a 5K. We did get to rock some sweet tutus and a rainbow of paint, though. And I’m all up for sprinting through clouds of dust again.

5K Races

Mudderella – Boston, MA

A new one that Ren stumbled upon. We’re not exactly Tough Mudder material, but if you’re going to theme it with obstacles named “Skinny Jeans,” “Bad Date Escape,” and “Dirty Downward Dog,” we might actually have a chance. Plus they have a workout plan that seems easy enough to follow.

Have another area run we should check out? Leave me a message in the comments!
