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Food, Savory

Fresh Fajita Tacos


Hi, my name is Roni, and I’m addicted to reality TV.

There, I said it. Phew. You see, I can’t stop watching shows like Toddlers & Tiaras, Hoarders, and Say Yes To The Dress. They suck you in to the point where you have to watch just one more episode.

On a completely random other note, avocados are on sale all the time recently. I’m not complaining, they’re one of my favorite foods. Just surprised. That’s what has caused me to make fresh fajita tacos. I had some steak, so I seasoned it thoroughly with cumin, cayenne, black ground pepper, and garlic powder. I sliced and grilled that until I got a nice char on the meat.


I placed the meat on a bed of avocado, diced Roma tomatoes, and Romaine lettuce. It was delicious!

