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men can cook


I’m Spoiled

Yup, spoiled.

I feel like an insufficient cook. Yup, I will admit it, I’ve been one upped by a guy.

The above is the dinner that was placed before me the other night. When I agreed to eat over my friend’s house, I thought he was going to be opening a jar of sauce, pour it on some pasta and call it a day. Little did I know that he’s actually some sort of Bobby Flay crossed with Alton Brown or something like that.

When I asked if I could help prep dinner with him, he began by pulling almost half the food out of the fridge for dinner. I was chopping onions, cutting up mushrooms, and slicing brussel sprouts in half. He was prepping salmon, making an appetizer of bacon wrapped scallops (yup, you read that right), and making us baked potatoes.

So since in the whirlwind of cooking all I really did was help with brussel sprouts, I’ll give you a quick idea of how we (and I use the term “we” loosely) made them.

You’ll need:
12 Brussel sprouts, washed and halved
Quarter of onion, diced
1/2 cup mushrooms, washed and quartered
1 slice of bacon, diced

Begin by boiling a pot of water. Drop in halved brussel sprouts and cook until slightly tender. I’d say about four minutes. I was vaguely paying attention to how this was going, so apologizes if it isn’t perfect. I was more focused on the bottle of wine I had opened.

In a small frying pan, cook up some diced bacon until crispy. Then add diced onion and quartered mushrooms. Cook until the mushrooms are tender, add brussel sprouts and cook until browned. Ta-dah! Yummy side dish.

Now I just have to figure out how to make that salmon. It was delicious!
