I have fallen madly in love… with a farmstand called Tendercrop Farm.
Let’s back up. About three years ago, I wrote a story about a youth movement – a younger generation of farmers emerging in agriculture, growing more farm fresh produce (Read Here). This was at Tuttle Farm, just down the road in Dover.
Since then, the farm has been sold, revamped, and a new farmstand/store has come into existence inside the big red barn. I’ve been ever curious, but without time in my busy schedule, had yet to stop by to investigate. That is, until this weekend.
On my way back from working an afternoon shift, I pulled in. And I’m so glad I did. Inside was fresh baked bread, made-on-site ice cream, fresh veggies, and smoked meats. Like a little oasis of garden heaven, and all within the prices of the grocery store – some even better!
I spent a good 45 minutes wandering the farm fresh fruits and vegetables, looking at the ripe strawberries, bundled carrots, and massive heads of cabbage. I wanted to buy it all, but stopped myself, leaving with some of those carrots, a ring of kielbasa, and green peppers.
The best part? At the register my cashier told me there was a promotion going on – free strawberries for every customer. No joke!
Let’s just say they got my vote, I may be heading there before the grocery store from now on…