I’ve had my ups and downs on Valentine’s Day for sure. When I was in third grade, I still remember getting a Valentine with a neatly drawn broken heart on it. Serves me for breaking up with a boy less than a week before card handout day.
This year, I know I won’t get a broken heart on a card, because my boyfriend is taking me out. Yup, that’s all he told me. No idea where we’re going, if I need to get dressed up, or if I can slum it in a pair of yoga pants. So off to Loft to battle this issue with a few outfit choices.
Outfit 1: Boyfriend Jeans and Some Love
So to be fair, I started simple, since I might need a comfy outfit. Don’t know if he’s dragging me to the movies or bowling, can’t rule that out. Add in some popcorn (ok, a lot of popcorn), and he’s a happy camper. Doesn’t take much. For me, I still want to look cute, so I found this new T-shirt with sketched on hearts, popped on some bracelets and pulled my hair up into a headband. Simple, cute, and not too “HEY-IT’S-VALENTINES-DAY, WHY-AREN’T-WE-CELEBRATING-WITH-FLOWERS-AND-PINK-AND-RED-EVERYWHERE?” Not that I want that, just saying I’m not getting all mushy for a dark theater.

T-Shirt | Jeans | Bracelet | Headband | Bag
Outfit 2: Upgrade Me To Dinner
So there is nothing wrong with the previous scenario, but on the off chance he wants to show me off, I thought, why not add a little bit more sparkle into the mix and step up the outfit. So we grabbed this white sweater and a pair of skinny jeans, then beelined it for the jewelry so I could glitter a bit.
Also, any of you Loft girls out there know I’m a sucker for a good belt. When all else fails, belt it! And that’s exactly what I said when I put on the necklace and thought, “Something is missing.” (Not gonna lie, really love this look!)

Sweater | Cami in Whisper White | Pants | Belt | Necklace
Outfit 3: Out on the Town
To start, I know I have red hair now, which ultimately means I should not be wearing pink. Just clashes with my hair. But, it’s Valentine’s Day, and everything is pink and red, so why not me? Also, it’s good to know that I do not normally wear pink. It’s been slowly creeping into my wardrobe, but not at the rate of having a dress completely pink. But I thought, what the heck, why not do it for the holiday?
So we paired it with this really sweet polka dot jacket to separate my hair from the dress and then popped on a blue necklace to pull it all together.

Dress | Jacket | Necklace
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