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Food, Savory

Bacon Egg and Cheese Biscuit Sandwich

Bacon Egg and Cheese Breakfast Sandwich

About a week ago I bought a container of Pillsbury mini biscuits. It was probably because the adorable little can seemed so out of place around its larger brothers and sisters. I took pity on it and thought I would make something out of the biscuits. Turns out I don’t eat a lot of biscuits, so incorporating them into my daily meals was a bit harder than it should have been. I always forget they’re sitting there in the fridge, and by the time I notice, I’m halfway through cooking something.

So when I started to make my breakfast the other morning, I stopped myself before I grabbed anything and preheated the oven. I popped a piece of bacon in a pan, then cooked up an egg and topped it with some American cheese. Slid it between a freshly baked, warm biscuit and felt quite accomplished with myself. McDonald’s has nothing on me. Plus the smaller biscuits made me feel like I was having breakfast, not a banquet like the larger ones would have. Maybe I’ll start getting up early to make myself something filling. Wonder what other kinds of biscuit sandwiches I can come up with.

Bacon, Egg, and Cheese Biscuit Sandwich

(For one serving)
1 slice of bacon
1 slice of American Cheese
1 egg
Pillsbury mini biscuits, baked as directed

Bake biscuits as directed on the packaging. After baked, slice in half.

In a small pan, cook bacon on medium-high heat, flipping once during cooking. Cook until crispy and remove from pan, placing it on a paper towel to absorb excess fat.

Crack egg into pan with bacon grease. Cook until egg white is cooked through and no longer transparent. Flip egg to continue cooking yolk. Add a slice of American cheese. Egg will be browned. When cooked through, remove. and place on biscuit. Top with bacon. Enjoy.
