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Strict Press, Thrusters, and Rowing

I hadn’t been off the plane for more than a few hours when I found myself back at the box at EverProven. I had unpacked some of my things from my recent Easter trip to Florida, slipped on my new workout pants, and headed off to meet Kate for a Crossfit On Ramp lesson.

I was amped up. I think it was the snazzy new pants, or maybe it was because I hadn’t been to Crossfit in a week that I decided I was going to give it my all. Either way, I went into class ready to thrown down. I started with Strict Presses – pushing the barbell up over my head from my shoulders without using my legs or lower body.

I was kind of amped, because the first few reps I did felt light as a feather. I did three reps of each weight, slowly adding weight each time. First adding two cookies (2.5 lbs) to each side of the bar, then swapping those out for 5 lbs weights (we’re deciding whether to call them donuts or bagels), and then 10 lbs weights. If you watch the video (above), you can see in my second set that I got a little cocky, went a little fast, and let my arms go back a little far.

But I was excited. Near the end, I had 60 lbs of weight, including the bar. 60 lbs! For me, that’s an accomplishment.

But the thing that really excited me was my final workout: Five timed rounds of 200 meter rowing, and 10 thrusters. Each round I would row 200 meters, then do 10 thrusters, and I’d break for the amount of time I completed that set. Then go again.

I got a little excited and for my first round, clocked in at 1 minute 37 seconds. Yeah, set the bar a bit high. But I got better every time.

Second Round: 1:32
Third Round: 1:33
Fourth Round: 1:34
Fifth Round: 1:29!!!

Yup, under a minute and a half. So excited! Tired, but excited!


Deadlifts Killing Me at Crossfit

My ego is going to get me intro trouble. Day two of my On Ramp program with EverProven and I already think I can carry more weight than I should during dead lifts. That’s probably because I felt like a champ after back squatting 85 lbs (which is a funny story all in itself).

I showed up to my On Ramp class a little early and while I was waiting for coach Kate to finish up with someone else, coach Scott took some time to get me warmed up for my session. He’s brutally thorough in his explanations, but I’ve found it’s helped me be the comfortable with knowing what to do during lessons. He’s also one of the reasons I didn’t give up Crossfit entirely since he didn’t make me feel like I couldn’t keep up with everyone. (Not saying anyone did, he just approaches coaching with positive encouragement.)

So we did some squats, some ring rows, and then he introduced me to how I haven’t been doing push-ups correctly my entire life. Yup, me, who can throw down 15 without stopping, can’t even do two in a row now that I learned my elbows are in the wrong position. Tuck those suckers in.

Then Scott released me to Kate for back squats and was given the women’s bar (35 lbs) and 2 10-lb weights (total 55 lbs). And I squatted that like a champ. I forgot to take a video this time, so you’ll have to deal with this YouTube video I found to know what I was doing:

So the 55 pounds was fine, and we added another 5 lbs on either side of my bar, so I was up to 65, that was a little rougher, but still fine. Then Kate asked if I wanted to put on more weight and my ego said yes. So we grabbed some 10 pounds weights to replace the 5 lbs weights, except I didn’t take off the extra 5 lbs weight on my side. And I squatted, and I couldn’t understand why I was leaning to the left. It was heavy, but not that heavy. I felt like I was off center.

When I racked, I told Kate I wanted to go up, so she went to grab some 2.5 lb weights (she calls them cookies), and as she walked by my side of the bar, she saw my side and realized what had happened. I hadn’t back squatted 75 lbs, I had squatted 80 pounds. Whoops.

Realizing what happened, we popped the 5 lb weight on the right side to even out the bar to a total 85 pounds. And I shook a little with the weight, but I got all five reps in like I had with the other weights. So excited!

Then we went to my timed workout: deadlifts and wall balls.

I got cocky and started my 9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 rep workout with the 85 pound weight for deadlifts. Yeah, I learned my lesson quickly, only getting the first set of 9 reps in, then bailed, dropping the weight down to 75. Then could only do that for the 8 and 7 reps, and went down to 55 pounds. Light, but do able. By the final single rep round, I was literally crying out for someone to just take me out. So rough, but such a good workout.

I think keeping your form for that many deadlifts is key to not hurting yourself, and it’s super easy to lose form when all you want to do is quit. Finished in just over 10 minutes. Could have been faster if I hadn’t pushed myself on the weight. Lesson learned.


Deadlifts and Ball Ball Rounds
Reps 9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 (Starting with 9 reps each your first round, then 8 your second, 7 your third, etc.)


I Got Robbed, Willingly, at Victoria’s Secret

They got me and I never saw it coming. I’ve been getting those “free panty” coupons in the mail for years and I’ve adamant about going in, getting just the panties and leaving.

Well, the other day we got the Victoria’s Secret Sports catalog in. I didn’t think too much of it until Andy threw it at me and stated that I needed to get a new pair of workout pants. I’m not entirely sure if it was because I started Crossfit again and he wanted me to fit in with the other girls, or if it was because there are actual holes in the thigh region of my yoga pants.

So I started flipping through it and kinda wanted to try a pair on. So when I went in to get my free panties, I snagged the only pair of their pants that would fit me, the only other sizes they had in store was XS, so apparently our shop sells out quickly. I send the above photo to Andy to confirm that yes, I could buy a pair of these. I was approved. The problem was, when I was in the fitting room, the sales associate told me if I bought sports bra, too, it was only going to cost me another $5.

So you’re telling me that I’m going to get a $54 sports bra for $5? Seriously? (Clearly I was not going to get one of the cheaper sports bra they had.)

That’s when all logic went out the window and I pulled out my Angels Card (yes, I have one and it sadly has the VIP logo on it). And somehow I ordered a pair of the Knockout Crops in a bright pink (I think, I can’t remember it was a blur). So in about a week we’ll see what color I actually ordered since the girl at the register could only show me a swatch of color and not what the entire pant would look like.

On the bright side, I’ll be one snazzy dressed Crossfitter at Everproven next week!


I Cried at Crossfit | Everproven Crossfit 1.20.15

I cried at Crossfit.

There are somethings that I’m just not good at, and weight training is one of them. Give me body weight workouts all day, I’ll take you all on – burpees, wall balls, push-ups, whatever – but weights, no way.

In class last night at Everproven, we worked on thrusters, basically squatting with your barbell and weights, then as you stand up, bringing it all the way above your head with your elbows locked out.

In my intro class, I had a quick “this one is the women’s bar, this one is the men’s bar” introduction to the equipment, but I never understood the difference, which is probably why I panic during class when we work on weights. (I’m also pretty sure no one will let me use a trainer bar even though I really need it, and I’m too scared to ask for the lighter bar.) Continue Reading
