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Life With Kids

Our Top 6 Fall-Themed Toddler Books

If there’s one thing I cherish about our bedtime routine, it’s the heartwarming sight of C clutching a book with his blue baby eyes begging me to read. My youngest has truly blossomed into a little bookworm.

Every night, without fail, he insists on reading at least three books. And when I say “insist,” I mean that endearing toddler persistence where no bedtime is complete without flipping through those colorful pages. His current favorite? Board books.

With fall around the corner, I decided to curate a collection of autumn-themed board books for C. The seasonal colors, warm tales, and the anticipation of holidays make them perfect bedtime stories. So, if you too have a little bookworm at home or are simply looking to introduce your child to the joy of reading, here are our top 6 fall-themed toddler books:

  1. “Goodbye Summer, Hello Autumn” by Kenard Pak – A delightful tale that captures the essence of the changing seasons.
  2. “Duck & Goose, Find a Pumpkin” by Tad Hills – Join the duo in their quest to find the perfect pumpkin.
  3. “The Itsy Bitsy Pumpkin” by Sonali Fry – A seasonal spin on the classic nursery rhyme that C absolutely adores.
  4. “Apple Picking Day!” by Candice Ransom – Dive into a day at the apple orchard, filled with fun and, of course, apples! And you can keep it for early reading later!
  5. “In the Middle of Fall” by Kevin Henkes – A beautifully illustrated book that captures the essence of fall in all its glory.
  6. “Pumpkin Soup” by Helen Cooper – A warm tale of friendship and the adventures of making pumpkin soup.

Each of these books brings a slice of autumn into our bedtime routine, and I love watching C’s reactions to the tales and illustrations. If you’re looking to add some fall magic to your little one’s library, these are some of my top recommendations.

Every link clicked and purchase made helps support our reading journey, so thank you!


Book Club: Bikini Season

Book Club: Bikini Season

For someone who basically grew up in a library, I have to admit I’m pretty upset with myself that I don’t spend more time reading. Which is why I forced myself to put down the remote, stop watching reruns and actually read something for once. I mean, it’s summer for Pete’s sake. I should be outside on the porch, not cooped up inside.

I wanted to start light, something that wouldn’t take too much brain power, but still might be fun to dig into. So I did what any penny pinching person might do, I hit up the discount rack at Barnes and Noble. You’d be surprised, not everything in there is a bad read. Just means not everyone is flocking to the same titles.

So I fished out this title, “Bikini Season“. All you men out there, I already know I lost you because it clearly screams girly novel. Which it is. I’m not denying it.

The story follows four women struggling with their weight and their lives. They turn their monthly cooking group into a weight loss group, but it also becomes a therapy session for all of them. Particularly the main character who is struggling with whether or not she is about to marry the right man (a very pushy, possessive soon-to-be-doctor who is as hansome as they get.) And while it may seem super cheesy, I actually really was drawn in by the characters and their stories, what made each one tick and trying to figure out how they would turn their lives around. Single, married, ready to be married, or handling health problems, these ladies were tackling it.

I have to admit, I did not try the recipes in the back of the book, but I think I might. They looked interested and some of them were allegedly healthy. (And included Weight Watchers points value.)

So I do recommend checking it out and I even have a copy if anyone wants to borrow it. It’s a fairly fast read and perfect for taking to the beach.

Grab a copy for your Kindle here: Bikini Season, Kindle Version
