Food, Savory

Red Wine Pasta Lovin’


I was told the other night that Italians should be loud and cook lots of pasta. Apparently the stereotype is still out there and follows me around, especially when I’m at the bar and other Italians are around. Some people think it’s fun to see us talk at loud volumes to each other.

In light of this revelation, I decided to go into stereotype full swing and make pasta. Seriously, what is more Italian than pasta, right? Also, since I never eat pasta, it seemed appropriate to finally make some to add to my recipe box.

Red Wine Pasta

1/3 box of cooked pasta
1 chicken breast, halved
2 beefsteak tomatoes, diced
1/4 of a sweet onion, diced
1/4 cup of red wine
3 tablespoons of olive oil
cayenne pepper
garlic powder
black pepper

Heavily season chicken with garlic powder, cayenne, and black pepper. Heat olive oil in medium-sized pan on medium-high heat. Add chicken and cook, flipping halfway, until chicken is cooked through. Add diced onion and cook for five to seven minutes. Deglaze pan with red wine and cook on medium high heat. Add tomatoes and cook until tomatoes are softened and wine has almost completely cooked down. Add cooked pasta and cook for another three minutes, mixing pasta into the dish. Take off heat and let sit for a few minutes so that pasta can absorb some of the sauce. Serve and enjoy.

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