
Ranch Green Beans

ranch green beans

So I just got back from a wonderful weekend in Florida surprising my mom for her birthday (don’t worry, I’ll have a post on that soon). But in the mean time, I realized I haven’t had much time to share with you any of my recipes. So I shall get to blogging and start you back into the world of food with a really simple, really quick ranch green beans recipe.

I promise, it’s good. I’m not a green beans kind of gal and one of my girlfriends actually got me hooked on green beans because of this recipe.

Ranch Green Beans

1/2 pound of fresh green beans, cleaned and ends cut off
Package of dry Hidden Valley Original Ranch Dip Mix

In a medium saucepan, place green beans and a quarter cup of water. Heat skillet to medium heat, until water is simmering. Cover and cook until green beans are tender, about 8 minutes. Remove all but about a tablespoon of water, add 1/2 tablespoon of dry ranch dip mix into saucepan, stir, and cook for another two minutes. Green beans should be coated and water should be evaporated.

Serve and enjoy.

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