
I Got Robbed, Willingly, at Victoria’s Secret

They got me and I never saw it coming. I’ve been getting those “free panty” coupons in the mail for years and I’ve adamant about going in, getting just the panties and leaving.

Well, the other day we got the Victoria’s Secret Sports catalog in. I didn’t think too much of it until Andy threw it at me and stated that I needed to get a new pair of workout pants. I’m not entirely sure if it was because I started Crossfit again and he wanted me to fit in with the other girls, or if it was because there are actual holes in the thigh region of my yoga pants.

So I started flipping through it and kinda wanted to try a pair on. So when I went in to get my free panties, I snagged the only pair of their pants that would fit me, the only other sizes they had in store was XS, so apparently our shop sells out quickly. I send the above photo to Andy to confirm that yes, I could buy a pair of these. I was approved. The problem was, when I was in the fitting room, the sales associate told me if I bought sports bra, too, it was only going to cost me another $5.

So you’re telling me that I’m going to get a $54 sports bra for $5? Seriously? (Clearly I was not going to get one of the cheaper sports bra they had.)

That’s when all logic went out the window and I pulled out my Angels Card (yes, I have one and it sadly has the VIP logo on it). And somehow I ordered a pair of the Knockout Crops in a bright pink (I think, I can’t remember it was a blur). So in about a week we’ll see what color I actually ordered since the girl at the register could only show me a swatch of color and not what the entire pant would look like.

On the bright side, I’ll be one snazzy dressed Crossfitter at Everproven next week!

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