When I was in college, I studied abroad in Grenoble, France. I had made a promise to myself to go to Africa. I mean, I was a flight away. Although, at that time, I wanted to go to Morocco. My cousin Jordan is going there and I’ve honestly never been more jealous of anyone than I am of her right now. Long story short, I never got to go.
Fast forward to last year. My aunt and I were planning a trip to Sierra Leone to visit an orphanage that she’s been working with. I was doing my research on what shots I needed and seriously coming to terms with never being able to give blood again (which is a big deal for me). But anyone who’s been watching the news lately will know that ebola kinda put a damper on our trip and ultimately stopped any plans of heading over to visit the children and help with their school.
So here I am, back to day dreaming about heading off to Africa. And yes, I know Africa is much like the United States (much, much larger), but has so many different variations of landscape that many people forget it’s not just one big safari. Which led me to actually dream shopping for safari-inspired items. Whoops.
Anyway, I’m still looking for a way to get over there, so if anyone has room in their luggage, I’m sure I can curl up in a fairly compact position. Thanks in advance.
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