
First 5K of the Summer


First 5K of the summer down! At least two more to go, and more pending if I get my act together.

You see, a few months ago one of my friends said we should do a 5K together, specifically, the one for the local children’s museum. Of course, I said yes. For many reasons. One because I think it’s smart to support your local organizations, two because I have already one 5K under my belt from last year, and three because it’s a positive step toward my 365 miles in 2013 year goal. It’s an easy 3 miles in one day.

So I signed up.

And we practiced the race path a few times. A rough uphill start, a loop through a mini development, and a really quick downhill slope at the end. It was rough the first few times. We pushed ourselves to make it through. We were down to only taking two mini walking breaks.

Then came race day. We were ready for that hill. . . we stood at the finish line with our bibs neatly pinned to our shirts . . . the race started and . . . and . . .


. . . we went an entirely different way toward what we thought was the loop. Learning curve: check with the race organizers to see what way is the right way. We were only off on the first part, to be fair. And it was a difference of a lesser incline to start. Actually not bad.

And! We did a 33:14 time with a less than 11 minute pace! Shaved off three minutes from the first 5K I ever did. So excited. We celebrated with Bloody Marys. Well deserved I like to think.


Two more 5Ks signed up for and I’m ready to shave more time off them!

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