Life In General

Faith Findings: Daily Totems

This is your journey and this is your progress. And there is no one else in the race because it is yours alone.

Many of you might have noticed the recent postings of my daily totem. A picture of a card with an animal on it and some words of inspiration or motivation. In the last two months, I’ve learned a lot about myself. That I can be strong, I can accept change, and I can find possibility in the unknown.

I started picking a Totem card each morning to see which spirit animal is mine for that day. I’m not picking a card again just because I don’t like it, I’m accepting it and really listening to what each card says. The deck I use are from Compendium and there are 30 cards in the deck, each with its own animal. It’s funny, I don’t take much stock in fortune cookies, but these I actually have found make sense.

No matter what the card says, I’ve found what I’ve picked has applied to what’s going on in my life at that moment. Take today’s snail. Immediately I knew this was on point. I am starting a new journey, expanding My Country Story and have taken a new job that I adore. I don’t need to try to race anyone else to the top of some corporate ladder, I just need to make myself happy, work slowly, and I’ll get where I need to go.

P.S. If you’re in Dover, you can pick these up at Pear Tree. Otherwise, you can order online for your own set here.

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