It’s funny how quickly two little words can bring a person up or pull them down. I really shouldn’t let other people get into my head, but sometimes I just can’t help it. And the problem is, most of the time, they’re not trying to do anything other than be supportive.
Here’s what I’ve learned. There’s two very distinct coaching patterns when it comes to workouts and Crossfit. You have the coaches that say “try this” and the coaches that say “do this.” I know, I know, it doesn’t sound like a big difference, but it can be defeating when you know you’re doing your best and someone comes up to you and says “do it.”
When I hear a coach say “do it,” what I really hear is, “Do this now. You need to be quicker. Push yourself. Why haven’t you accomplished this yet?” Do you know how intimidating it can be to have every person in your class watching as you try to get up into a handstand and can’t, especially when you just did one 30 seconds ago but the coach missed it? Now with tired arms, all you can think about is everyone seeing you fail.
It’s frustrating. It’s probably the reason I never enjoy any of those boot camp classes with coaches yelling at you. I don’t need someone to push me, I need someone to encourage me, not single me out so everyone knows.
Try the words “try it.” You’ll be so surprised how differently it feels to hear those words. There’s no pressure, just a suggestion. A suggestion that as a competitive person, I almost always take. Yes, I will try that pull-up/heavier back squat/handstand push-up.
“Try” is such a strong word. It’s empowering. It’s putting the end result in my hands, not the coach’s hands.
Am I the only one who feels this way? What other words, phrases, terms, make you a stronger athlete? Which ones make you feel weaker?
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