
Crossfit | Back at it and the Clean

So I’m back to going to Crossfit at EverProven. I’m still scared, but I’m committing to it.

In February, I had started going to group classes after I passed (OK, rocked) the intro class. I liked it, for the most part. The reason I stopped going, though, was the weights. I was scared and really didn’t feel like I was doing the movements right and was afraid I was going to hurt myself.

I found I loved mentally competing with the others in my class, but when it came to the weights, I didn’t want to be there. Put me on the rower, give me box jumps, heck, I’ll even take you on with burpees. But don’t give me weights. Which unfortunately, is a HUGE part of Crossfit. One that I think many will find is the reason they don’t do Crossfit.

My new coach Katie said it perfectly, I was over thinking it. Every moment felt like a lifetime: the pull, the shrug, the flip of the wrists. I couldn’t just do even the clean without thinking that I was muscling up the weight and going to pull something.

So this morning I took my first On Ramp class: a one-on-one with a Crossfit coach. I’m not ashamed. Many look at the On Ramp program as if it’s only for those who can’t get through the intro, for those that are too “weak” to keep up with the rest of a full class. It’s not. All the basics are covered, and you get all of the attention of the coach. That was one of the things I struggled with during the group classes. While the coaches are great about trying to help everyone in the class, I still felt like I needed someone to work with just me during all the weight training.

So today we rowed (500 meters), stretched, then reviewed my enemy: the clean. And I learned something I never learned in class, I can actually do it. And I can do it with some weight on, enough that I won’t need the training bar during On Ramp program.

Katie started me with just 10 pounds added to the trainer bar. Did it without flinching, even kept the bar close to my body. Then she added on another 10 pounds. I did it again, focused on my form, the start, and the finish, letting my body do the motions without over thinking it. And I worked my way up, all the way to doing a clean with 55 lbs of weight (that includes the weight of the trainer bar). Huzzah!

I even had Katie tape one of my sets (the second to last one I did). And I finally saw what I wasn’t expecting. I thought I was flailing around, but clearly I’m not. I’ll have to get out of my head and I really think the On Ramp program will help me with that.

To top it off, I did my baseline Metcon in 10:26. Kinda set myself a slightly high bar and worried I pushed through too quickly just because my competitive side came out.  I have to do this again on my last day of the On Ramp program, so let’s hope I get quicker. Eekkk!


Row 400 meters
21 reps of each (front squats, push-ups, ring rows)
15 reps of each (front squats, push-ups, ring rows)
9 reps of each (front squats, push-ups, ring rows)
Row 400 meters

Wish me luck for the rest of the On Ramp program and me getting back into class confidently!

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