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Creative Envelopes: Puffy Pumpkins

If I’m going to send Halloween cards, I might as well make them pretty, right?

Yes, I blurred out the address. Wouldn’t want to give away who’s getting this snazzy card. Also, they might not like getting tons of mail from strangers. Unless you guys are sending money, then you can just send it to me. I’ll make sure it stays safe for them.

Start with the puffy paint.

So to start, you’ll want to make the bottom of the pumpkin. It’s basically three ovals, but tight together and don’t fill in the middle lines in the pumpkin. Look at the design I made, easier to follow that way, probably. Then go in with green for the swirly vine and the leaf.  Let dry over night.

Yay, so cute!


I’m so pumped about this and can’t wait to see if they like the mail!


Burlap Halloween Banner

Happy Halloween, everyone!

I know. I know. It’s early. It’s still September. But if you don’t start now, then you’ll never have everything ready for Halloween. I’ve started so many projects, I think I’m moving into the craft store soon. I think the staff at Joann Fabric is starting to know me by sight. The moment they start saying my name when I walk in the door, I know I’m in trouble. Anyway, so I decided I wanted to make a banner for Halloween with burlap.

Acrylic paint – black and orange
Paint brush
Cotton String
Hot glue gun

Cut triangles of the burlap. I used a pattern I cut out of a piece of paper and kept using it to trace my shape.

Pieces at the ready.

Then I painted a letter on each with black paint. Used a Q-tip to make polka dots on the banner to add some orange.

I went back and redid the letters. They were messy, you’ll see in the next pictures.

Then I took the triangles (dried, of course), and hot glued them to the string.

Careful, the glue is hot!

And when it dried… it was sooo pretty!

Love it!



How to mess up painting a wooden bowl… and then fix it

It didn’t start off this cute. Believe me, it was a feat.

So, a while back I scavenged around a  local antique shop in search of wooden items to paint. I found these wooden bowls and got them for $8 (all together, not each).

What a steal

But what I really wanted to do was paint these bowls. Was hoping to do some kind of pattern on the bowls, so I painted one all white first and let it dry. Then I put these stickers on them that was hoping would have the same effect as the LOVE painting I did. So I dabbed blue paint over the bowl.

Looks so innocent and perfect, right?

I let all that paint dry, pulled off the stickers, and…

What the heck? Are you kidding me??

The nerve of that paint! Messing up my wooden bowl. Argggg. (That’s like a cross between a pirate scowl and the sound I’d make if I ever jumped out of a plane – terrifying.) So I decided instead of getting mad, I painted it over. Through my frustration I decided to let that fully dry and put two pieces of tape on it, making a triangle. Then painted the inside white.

Maybe this will make it better…..

I let that dry, this time being way more patient… and Voila!

Added a layer of my Martha Stewart satin finish and it was all set.

See, not everything that is ruined can’t be fixed. Maybe that says something… hmmm.



Halloween Costume Preview

I am so excited! Halloween is my favorite holiday. I know a lot of people say that, but I’m serious. It is my FAVORITE holiday. I get to play dress up and no one makes fun of me. (Well, except for the time I dressed as a skunk in 1st grade. I really thought it was an awesome costume idea at the time.) So this year, I’m making two costumes. Both easy and inexpensive. Helps that I have a party to go to AND will be going out with friends. The hard part will be deciding which one to wear where. Anyway, this is a preview of one of my costumes. Anyone got a guess as to what I’m making?
