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Halloween Party Planning – Bat Attack


Spooky!! Right?

No house is complete without door decor! Had to share this great idea one oft friends had for her door. She cut bats out of black felt and taped them up.


That means they’re good for years to come! And the more the merrier, placing them all over the wall. So fabulous!


Crafting Cards – Birthday

Crafting Kitty: Pumpkin fell asleep on the table while making cards.

Opted to make a birthday card with my mom’s craft supplies. She could probably open her own shop with the number of things she has in there. Anyway, the cat – yes, my mom’s BLACK cat is named Pumpkin – helped me make a birthday card. I used the Cricket machine. It’s this thing that cuts out shapes and such from card stock.

Being showed how to use the machine so I don’t break it. I must seem like a klutz or something.

I took some of those paint sample things from Home Depot and decided to use them to cut out some shapes and such, then put them on the side. But when it came time to decide what color paper to put it on, mom had all these shades of blue, but none that I wanted. So sad. So what do you do when that happens? Make your own color, of course.

Making blue paper… cause I can!

Took a sponge and dabbed it in multiple shades of blue, then dabbed the paper until I got the right blue page. Glued on the cut out letters and stars, added another back layer of dark blue, and ta-dah! Birthday card!

The finished product!



What Home Depot Is Good For

I wish I had gotten more.

What is Home Depot good for, you ask? Well, when your mom is deciding to paint her Urban Kitchen the color of a bar of chocolate and you fear it will make the room look like a cave, Home Depot is good for collecting color samples. Lots of color samples. I wish I had gotten more. However, mom was starting to give me an angry look when I started pulling green shades, when obviously that color was not going into her kitchen.

As I was pulling colors of Behr, I remembered that I could use some of the shades to make craft project. Shush. You know you’ve thought of it, too. It wasn’t like I was taking enough to make a wall mural, just enough to make a few card cut outs. You’ll see. I’ll be posting those soon.

Oh yeah, and in case you were as worried as I was about the kitchen color, I got her to brighten up the shade. I think we went with something called Mushroom Bisque. How appropriate for a kitchen color. Food on the wall prevails – savory over sweet.


Fly Fishing Flies

The gear.. well some of it.

So I was down in Florida a bit ago visiting family, and I learned my grandpa has taken up a new hobby. He’s been known to do a lot of things, including making wine at home. This time, however, I learned he’s into making flies. Something I would NEVER think to do unless my grandpa asked me to.

Let me back up. I am not a fan of fishing. If anyone asks, just lie for me. When I was little, I once made a great catch – my finger. Yeah, it’s traumatized me for life. I am completely afraid I will hook myself again. I also can’t be anywhere near people casting because I’m afraid they’ll hook me. Yes, I have gone fishing since, but I cringe inside the whole time. But I learned that you can buy fish finders to help you find the fish and make it a little easier to catch them.

Anyway, making flies with my grandpa was actually pretty fun. (And the hooks are super small, so even if I hooked myself, it wouldn’t have been too bad.)

I think we made something called a Parachute Adams. There was a lot of “don’t use a lot of thread,” “keep the line tight,” loop it,” and “go this way.” I think it resulted in something usable. We’re still not sure. Mine needs to go on a diet. Apparently I used too much thread, kept the line loose, and had to rewrap it like 10 times. Some guy in a YouTube video (I watched it later to see how it was supposed to go) made one in less than 2 minutes. Mine took about an hour.

Apparently I made the fly too loose, so he had to glue it together. I never said I was great at this.

Isn’t it cute??? 🙂

I tried folks, I tried.

