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Christmas Chaos – Easy Snowflakes

I’m getting into the Christmas spirit. Some would say it’s a bit early, but it’s never early when it’s already cold out. So I decided that I need to make something special to put up. With a hot glue gun and a mirror, I make six legged snowflakes.

Once the glue is cooled, you can easily peel it up from the mirror. I then used my glittery nail polish to give it some sparkle. I used my Stop and Stare by PURE ICE. But any glittery polish will do. Toss the snowflakes around the table setting for a party and you’ve got an easy snowflake set for decoration.



Excessive Christmas Planning

I should probably actually have people to have a party with before I plan the party, eh?

I know Thanksgiving hasn’t even happened, but I can’t stop pinning things to my Party Ideas board on Pinterest. I have pseudo planned a party (in my head, of course) and can’t wait to make everything. Of course, that means I actually need to plan a party now (probably won’t happen). That’s the problem with Pinterest, you pin all these things and most of the time never do any of it.

So I’m hoping this at least lends itself to decorating the house in an astronomical amount of holiday spirit. Maybe I’ll even make myself a Mrs. Claus outfit and wear it around the house for fun.


Halloween Costumes – Flapper

I think I kinda pulled this off well.

Okay, so I kinda cheated on this one. I might have found this flapper dress at a thrift tore for $9 and bought it. Just because I didn’t make the dress doesn’t mean it wasn’t a great costume, though. So that’s where I will stress here that you shouldn’t be afraid of thrift stores. Yes, not every thrift store will have some remarkable find, BUT you never know what you will find when you do go in and snoop around. I found this dress tucked in the back of a rack by some very ’80s dresses that no one was buying. And when I saw the price tag, I also died. I’ve seen dresses like this listed upwards of $100 online that aren’t even as good as this one. (Also, going to thrift stores means you’re being eco-friendly and reusing clothes!! Go Green!)

The best part was I only had to grab some jewelry out of my box, a long black necklace I got at H&M years ago (it’s plastic, nothing fancy) and this great red and black necklace/earring set that my cousin made years ago. Yes, I have tons of jewelry that just sits around, but on the bright side, these came in hand when I needed them most.

For my hair, I did a faux bob, I found awesome directions here: Check it out! Way easier than I ever thought. Plus I got a ton of complements on having short hair, who would have known? I used this lace I found at Joann Fabrics and wrapped it around my faux bob and pinned it into place to work as a headband.

The more you have, the thicker your “headband” will look.

Threw on some black low pumps and there you go! Flapper in a jiff. I even wore this to work, changed on my lunch break before our Halloween party and loved it. I wonder if I could get away with wearing this on a regular day… hmmmm

They never smiled in photos back then, so I didn’t either.


Halloween Costumes – Pirate

So much hairspray, you would never know.

Arrrggh-n’t you ready for Halloween? Ok, cheesy part over. I couldn’t help myself. As I’ve said before, I have three Halloween costumes. Pulled this one out for the first party. It was a hit and didn’t cost me a dime. I have to say though, I don’t know too many people that have a closet that runs the gambit from hippie to old lady to Victorian-era. Mine does.

I gathered the following (plus another maroon scarf and every piece of gold jewelry I owned):

Corset, fluffy white top, scarves, pirate boots

I happen to have a fluffy white hippie top and went perfectly under my corset. The corset, I wore backwards so the ties were in the front, to get that pirate waistband look. I tied the maroon floral scarf around my waist to layer my look. Topped the look with the pirate boots which have been sitting in my closet forever, but were perfect for this.

For my hair, I had my friend curl the heck out of my super fine, super straight hair. Curled and added half a can of hairspray to my do, then pinned a maroon silk scarf in as a headband.

Don’t forget a pair of black or black patterned shorts. (I went with my Gap pair I got this summer. Cotton, flow-y and had a gray pattern on it.)

Top it with every gold necklace I own, and POOF! You’ve got yourself a pirate. See, so easy.

Now, only two more costumes to go. I can’t wait!
