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Easy Ribbon Bows


I love presents. I love wrapping presents. So tis the season for me to make bows.

Took 10 strips of the same ribbon, all the same size and glued them into a loop. Then glued each single loop to each other so they made a flower. Found a shiny red button and there you go! Easy christmas bow for a present.


Christmas Tree Time

Christmas Time

Cats are so lucky. They get to sit under the tree all season. First ones to get to all the presents.

So I don’t actually have my own tree this year. So in order to get some tree time, I have to bug my friends who do, in fact, have a tree. Well, were in the middle of putting up their tree and I decided to come over and help spread some holiday cheer by assisting with the situation. Actually, just playing with the cats, singing Christmas songs, and bugging the heck out of everyone.

So, we blasted Christmas tunes while we strung up the lights, wrapped the tree in garland and tackled putting as many ornaments on it as possible. I also got to put the star on the tree. I was the tallest one in the apartment at the time, go figure. But still yay! Have you decorated yet?

Just a few more touches... and we're all set!

Just a few more touches… and we’re all set!


Puffy Paint Christmas Cards

I can’t help myself, I just love the holidays. I love the snow, sending little bits of puffy happiness in the mail, and hanging out with friends and family. These puffy paint Christmas cards are just my way to send a little cheer and be crafty at the same time.

So I pulled out my crafting supplies and decided to make a little something to put on the envelopes for my holiday cards. It only take two items: puffy paint and envelopes. Oh yeah, and a bit of patience. I didn’t use special envelopes, just used some basic blank envelopes, but you’re more than welcome to get colored envelopes or patterned ones to just spice those up a bit.

I like to freehand, but if you’re not comfortable with that, sketch your design in pencil on the envelope before you start. You can cover the design with the puffy paint. For me, I started with an outline of a Christmas Tree in green, then filled in the green all the way. To ensure that the puffy paint did not blend, I let it dry for a few minutes before moving on to more detailed portions. Just a few minutes will let the first layer become a bit tacky.

Then, I went back in with a different color to add a few “ornaments,” just a few dots of colors along the tree. A yellow star at the top finished up the tree.

Continue your design, covering as much of the envelope as you like. Let dry overnight before using or mailing.



Socialist: Holiday Gift Back (Easy)

I know how you can give money or gift back without spending a dime.

There are so many people that think of giving back during the holiday season, but many people can’t afford to do so. The ringing bells of the Salvation Army annoy shoppers as they walk into Wal-mart, the excessive mailings fill our boxes with requests for some extra cash, and everyone is asking for something. Sometimes, we just don’t have the time or energy for this, but I have a quick solution. For those of us shopping online, use Socialvest.

It’s easy, sign up (click the link above), install the program (all it does is let you know where you can earn money), and shop. 1, 2, 3. When you shop, the businesses that work with Socialvest give back money and you decided what non-profit you want to give to.

Love animals? Give to your local shelter.

Tree hugger? Support an eco-cause.

Can’t give blood, but want to? Give to the Red Cross!

It’s really simple and if everyone did it, we could help out without doing much more than buying our Christmas presents. Think about it.
