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How to Update A Basic Candle

I have too many candles and too few presents when holidays and birthdays come up. Hence the need to make of those candles into gifts. So I took a bunch of basic Glade candles that I had and decided to update a basic candle into something with a little bit more panache.

My easiest solution (and cheapest, since I have an astronomical amount of nail polishes in my room) was to paint the outside of the container with a gold glitter nail polish. Not bad, seeing as I only needed three coats to make it look even. Made my $2 candles look about four times its sticker price!

And if you want to go the extra mile, you can place it into a nice small box with tissue paper so it looks even fancier. Surprise!


Stache Happy : DIY Photo Booth Mustaches

I’m so excited for our office holiday party! So much so that I offered to make photo booth mustaches. Yes, we are having a photo booth at our office holiday party! It’s certainly become the trendy thing to do and I am so pumped to get dressed up and have fun with my work buddies.

These mustaches actually took quite a bit of time and patience. I’m not going to lie, I’m glad I had the TV on because it made time go by quicker. I had to collect some fuzzy hair fabric, foam board, felt, my trusty glue gun, scissors, thin dowel, and printed off the mustache silhouette that I wanted to use. I started with the foam board, outlining my mustache shape on the board.

Trace and cut out the mustache on the foam board, be sure you have a sturdy base for the board as you cut.

Once that’s on the fabric, cut the outline of the fabric around the board, you’ll only be placing this on one side of the mustache, but be sure to be a little bigger rather than smaller of the foam so that the foam can’t be seen. Hot glue the hair fabric on the one side.

Flip over the mustache outline and then with a cut down dowel (to the size of a handle for you), lay it vertically on the mustache back. Cut a piece of felt the same size as the mustache, then hot glue the down to the mustache. Then put glue on the entire open back of the mustache and place your felt on the backing to seal in the handle. Make sure all edges are folded down and covering the foam. Brush out the hair so it’s as you like, and you’re all set!

Now play in front of the mirror!


Don’t want to make your own? There’s plenty of props you can purchase for your own photo booth:

Crafting Button Hearts on Canvas

Someone would make a ton of money selling red buttons. Seriously, when making these button hearts on canvas, all I kept thinking was, where do I get more button? Someone needs to sell buttons in bulk for cheap, like really cheap. Doing projects like this is hard to do otherwise. Laurenne and I went to four stores searching for enough buttons just to create this craft. All we wanted was some buttons in pinks and reds. Is that too much to ask of a craft store?

Luckily, it all worked out. We spent an afternoon meticulously lining up buttons to make hearts on a black canvas and then hot glueing them down. I would love to take all the credit for these button hearts, but Laurenne really has the better artistic eye. My hearts would be a lot more abstract. The hardest part was finding the right balance between little buttons and big buttons.


Snowflake Time


It’s official, I should have gotten a flu shot. Been out of commission for some time now, which is good in the sense that I can make tons of snowflakes for decorations, but bad because I still can’t breathe out of my nose. Pretty sure that Rudolph and I are twins separated at birth.

Anyway, I learned awhile ago how to make six sided snowflakes. I never knew how people did it. Mine always looked sad, but I figured out, it’s all in the folding. Check it out:



And voila! Fancy snowflakes to put on presents, on windows, or just on walls to make it look more festive.
