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Home Decorating | Rustic Country

I can’t take it much longer, our home is a plain Jane. I will admit, I am not much of a home decorator, but I can’t handle having white walls and barely any furniture in our rooms. Part of it is my fault. I had not taken the time to assess all the furniture we had before we moved into our new place in December. In typical me fashion, I decided it was best to throw out anything that seemed like it would clutter our new place.

Well, surprise, I think we need more furniture. And the one thing I really really want, is a hope chest. Mine is in Florida at my mom’s house. My grandfather had made it for me when I was a baby. And I always remember pulling it out from against the wall to look at the little piece of paper taped to the back of it from him. I think it was a letter. I can’t remember now what it said on it, but I remember it. And I remember using the hope chest to stuff all my toys in, to sit on it to ponder all the really difficult decisions of childhood, and to stuff blankets in it when I was a teenager.

It’s just now that I’m realizing how important it was as a structural piece of a room. So that’s my number one item to look for.

Number two is just to get our rooms to feel a bit more full and homey, and only then will I tackle the walls. But I do want to keep it all moderately themed together. And I have been in a rustic chic mood, where everything feels very New England, very Vermont, very home. (Sorry guys, I may live in New Hampshire, but the Vermont girl in me will live forever.) Add the plaid blankets, a few wooden knickknacks and forest-themed wall decor. Yup, that would do it.

So I figured, I’d share some of my recent finds with you all.


Wooden Swing

Wooden Swing

At our new place, we have a huge front yard with trees peppering the lawn all the way down to the road. Tree swing? Yes, please. It reminds me of the playground my grandparents had at the campground, though that one was metal. The playground itself was in the woods, and under these two huge trees that framed the play area.


Wood and Metal Rustic Table

Everyone needs deer antlers in their house on a wood and metal side table, right?


Wood and Wire Trunk

If I can’t have my hope chest right now, I’d at least want something functional that I can store some stuff in that can also double as a small table or a bench. I need furniture that is multi-functional.


Secretary’s Secret Wood Console

No really, that’s what it’s called. But I think it would be a great piece to put all the junk that sits on our tables. Just something to store and organize at the same time. That whole having-one-junk-drawer thing does not work well for me.



Top 10 Books I NEED To Read Before 2015 Ends

Let’s be honest, I have a hard time sitting down and reading a book. When I was little, my grandmother would bring me to the library, I’d fill up my canvas bag with as many as I could, and we’d go home. I’d spend the morning curled up in the big blue recliner by the corner window and read them cover to cover.

When I was in high school, I volunteered at that same library, working after school (and even “interning” there my senior year). In college, my work study was in the library, working everything from the reference desk to front desk, and even cataloguing books. I basically lived there and read a ton.

Now, I’m a lost puppy when it comes to books. I get so wrapped up in everything that I don’t sit down in a quiet spot and just decompress and read. I need to do it. I need to relax. So my one resolution that I hope I keep this year is to read as many books as I can. And these, my friends, are the top 10 books I have on my hit list.

Please give me more suggestions in the comments! Thanks!

1. Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn

I saw the movie and I have to say, my jaw was dropped most of the way through it. I can’t imagine how much detail was left out (you know, that whole book-to-movie transition), so I’m on a mission to read this before the year is out. Continue Reading


Amazon For College Students

Back to School I just found a fantastic online deal from Amazon for everyone going back-to-school, a great deal from Amazon for college students. Get cheap text books, dorm supplies, furniture, music, and movies. Plus free 2-day shipping!!

I remember searching for deals when I went back to school each fall. Mostly because I had other things I’d rather spend my money on than a $200 textbook I was only going to use for a semester. (How do they get away with that??) And so I could go out to eat with my friends or hit up the cafe, I saved where I could. You’d be surprised how much money you can make by returning cans for deposits.

By my senior year, I was working three jobs (work study at the library, making sandwiches at the cafe, and selling newspaper ads for our college paper) and completing two senior seminars. I would have given anything to have the savvy deals of the Internet I find now. Krazy Coupon Lady, where were you then?? So while I can’t use this deal, I’m sure there are plenty of you college students out there that can. So let me know how it goes.

If you join, you get the following deals with Amazon for college students (those with *’s you get free for the first 6 months, if you stay you get deals on the following, it looks like.):

  • *Free Unlimited 2-Day Amazon Shipping
  • *$10 credit for every friend you refer
  • Unlimited movie and TV show streaming (Hello, True Blood!!)
  • Free Kindle books to borrow
  • Unlimited music streaming!

Click here to get started and save money on all your back-to-school shopping.
