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I’d like more than 30 years

My anxiety is really high.

Seems everywhere I look, there’s another article saying we are killing the Earth. That Canada’s permafrost is thawing 70 years earlier than predicted, that recycling our plastic is actually causing a bigger problem than it should be, and that we only have 30 more years until the Earth becomes uninhabitable.

I read these things, and I think, why aren’t more people concerned. Why are people still grabbing plastic bags at the grocery store? Why haven’t all coffee shops started offering biodegradable cups? Why are we still using plastic wrap when we have beeswax wraps? Why haven’t we switched back to glass bottles instead of plastic?!?!

The answer: people don’t think they make an impact.

And that thought seriously makes me sick to my stomach. Because one small change by even a handful of people makes a HUGE change. Say you go to the grocery store once a week for a year, and you get on average 4 plastic bags per trip. That’s 208 bags in a year. If you brought your own reusable canvas tote, you’d save 208 plastic bags by yourself, from landing in landfills. Now say 9 other households you know do the same, that’s 2,080 plastic bags REMOVED from the landfill. That’s 2,080 plastic bags that won’t blow into the ocean or land up on the side of the highway because you chose NOT to take them at the grocery store.

But they still have the bags at the store, you say. So it doesn’t matter, you say.

And here, I remind you that the grocery store orders more plastic bags when they run out. And if they aren’t running out of bags, they won’t order more. And if they don’t order more, the company making the bags won’t create more. Which means, we won’t add more single use plastic into our waste stream.

And yes, I understand that sometimes we forget our bags at home. But we can still ask for paper bags, ask the bagger to NOT put that single banana in its own bag, to not have a bag for larger items. Every single bag you don’t take can help us make a tiny change.

So let’s try this week to do something small. One small change.

Life In General, Uncategorized

It’s Been Awhile

It seems that I’ve gotten a little busy. Okay, a lot busy. And I’ve completely neglected my blog, my love for writing, cooking, working out regularly, and pretty much anything that doesn’t include work.

Sometimes when life throws a lot at you, you tend to put things on the sideline. Things that mean a lot to you, but you forget they mean a lot to you. Like something as simple as making breakfast. For the last year I have basically “forgotten” to eat breakfast every morning. I used to wake up early, make myself a breakfast (even if it’s just a couple of eggs), maybe workout a bit, and then start my day. I miss that.

Which is why I spent a few days fighting the Internet to figure out how to log back into my blog. Yes, I locked myself out. That’s how long it’s been.

But now that I’m in, I’m hoping I can keep myself accountable. Maybe log some workouts. Maybe share how I am balancing getting real meals into my system every day while we spend 12 plus hours a day running our new store. (Yes, we FINALLY opened a brick and mortar store!!)

We will see where this goes. And if anyone is listening, that’s even better. Help me track some goals, eat better, make better decisions, and find myself again.


Feels Good To Be Back: 2018 Here We Come

So, it’s probably been a good year since I’ve even looked at my blog as we’ve had a whirlwind kind of 2016 and 2017. We got engaged, we got married, bought a house, all while we struggled through brain cancer with Andy’s late mom. We also got two adorable kittens. 2017 was a … year. One we won’t forget. And be it we had a lot of downs, we had a lot of ups. Who can really say they bought a house in the same month they got married?

I’m going to try this blogging thing again, though. When I used to write, I had an outlet, something to look forward to each week. And I think I need that again in my life. So I’m going to give it a go again. Perhaps I’ll sprinkle in some of our business, a bit of new food ideas, as well as some of what we’ve been going through.

At any rate. I hope you join me (us) on this journey.


Kmart Freebies Haul June

I have never really stopped finding deals. No matter if I’m working full-time, part-time, or even when I was in college, I know looking for a deal is as easy as keeping your eyes open to keep your wallet full. I’ve already told you all about Fit Studio, Shop Your Way, and how to get free items from Kmart and Sears. But there are so many people I know who have a FitBit and do not hook it up to anything for products.

Let’s be honest, I’m not talking about walking out of a store with free Reeboks or a new couch, but it adds up. This week, a simple trip with my accumulated $8 worth of points, picking the right products, and voila, FREE stuff! I paid nothing over what I had for points, and there is no requirement to make a paid purchase. All I had to do was walk every day to earn enough points for my purchase and remember to make my purchase before my points expired.

So many Kmart freebies over the last month, these products included: conditioner, detangler, eyeliner, powder, toothpaste.

If you have not purchased a FitBit yet, you should. You not only can earn points here, but you can also earn points at Walgreens! All just for walking, which you’re going to do anyway.

Get Your FitBit on Amazon

