Fitness, Food, Health

“Breaded Chicken” | Day 9 on The Whole 30

The Whole 30

Andy surprised me with dinner. He said he had breaded chicken tenders. To say the least, I got nervous. He promised me that it was compliant with The Whole 30. And I really didn’t believe him, especially when I saw the pan of chicken (see above).

He made me take a bite before he would tell me how he made breaded chicken. I reminded him, we cant have flour, or cornflakes, or anything with grain. He assured me, no grain. So I took a bite and I have to say, I was surprised. It had the texture of bread. It was crunchy. And it tasted good.

So I asked again. What is it? And Andy handed me a bag of pork rinds. Then he showed me the ingredients: Pork and salt. While The Whole 30 does not say it’s against the rules, you shouldn’t be snacking on it. So he was ok with using it, just in small amounts.

“Breaded” Chicken Tenders

2 chicken breasts
5 unbroken cups of pork rinds
2 eggs
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1 teaspoon Kosher salt
2 teaspoon of paprika
1 teaspoon of cayenne
2 teaspoons of garlic powder

Preheat oven to 400.

Cut chicken into 10, even pieces. Add lemon and spices to eggs and whisk. This is your wash.

In a separate bowl, add pork rinds and crush into a powder.

Dip chicken into egg wash, then dredge in pork rinds until completely covered. Lay in a glass pan and then place pan in oven. Bake for 20-25 minutes, or until chicken when cut open is no longer pink.

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