
Sweet and Spicy Buffalo Wings

Spicy Buffalo Wings

This all started with a conversation about the difference between wings and boneless wings. I fought hard. I fought really hard to explain that “boneless wings” are actually just chicken nuggets.

And I think I only “won” (if not momentarily) because I was cooking dinner, and we wouldn’t have eaten if we deliberated any longer. So I grabbed the traditional, bone-in wings, and got at it. For an evening of sweet and spicy buffalo wings, follow my lead.

Sweet and Spicy Buffalo Wings

3/4 cup of flour
1 tsp of cayenne pepper
1/2 tsp of garlic powder
1/2 tsp of salt
1/2 cup of butter, melted
1/2 cup of Frank’s Red Hot Sauce
1/4 cup of brown sugar
20-25 wings

Preheat oven to 400. In a large bowl or large ziplock bag, combine flour, cayenne pepper, garlic powder, and salt. Toss wings in flour mixture until wings are evenly coated, shake off excess flour.

In another bowl, combine melted butter (warm), brown sugar, and hot sauce. Mix until combined. Dip wings into butter mixture to coat them, then place evenly onto cookie sheets. Place in oven and bake for 45-50 minute, or until chicken is no longer pink inside and crispy outside. Turn wings over halfway to ensure chicken is baked through.

Spicy Buffalo Wings

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